The key to faster swimming is understanding that each time we enter the water, we bring with us all our human traits and habits and instincts. They serve us well on land, but in the water they lead to some extraordinarily inefficient and exhausting movements. This is called Human Swimming. Fishlike Swimming, by contrast, is fast, effortless, and smart. This is the kind of swimmer you want to be. But in order to swim like a fish, you need to shed your human instincts and learn to do some things that will feel counter-intuitive at first, but, with practice, will become quite natural and will make you as relaxed and at home in the water as a fish. And you'll be swimming faster, too, with much less effort.
Total Immersion™ is the only place to learn cutting-edge techniques of active streamlining. A great experience with TI means you become efficient & effortless:
:: Mastering balance - finding harmony and becoming relaxed in the water
:: Reducing drag - pierce the water and become slippery, gliding through it.
:: Smooth, fluid propulsion - use the effortless power of the body's core rotation
:: Every lap you ever do feels good, and/or offers a sense of progress.
:: You swim so beautifully that people ask how you learned to swim like that.
:: You can swim with all the grace, fluidity and ease of the worlds greatest swimmers!
:: Total Immersion™ will transform you into the swimmer you always wished you could be.

Check out this link to a YouTube video
showing a
Comparison of Freestyle between
Jones, Phelps and TI coach,
Shinji Takeuchi from Japan.
Total Immersion Can Teach Anyone! Whether you're new to swimming or have years of experience, Total Immersion can provide you with all the tools you need to become the best swimmer you can be. Swimmers - even those who have been frustrated for years - have seen their swimming improve dramatically (average improvement in stroke efficiency is 20%) in just a few hours. We speed up the learning curve by concentrating on the 3 essential skills of fishlike swimming: Swimming "Downhill," Swimming "Taller," and "Skating" on Your Side ... skills that don't require experience, fitness, youth, or power ... skills that ANYONE can learn at any age.
The Tao of TI - What makes Total Immersion Different?

We're convinced there's a great swimming inside everyone! If you've never believed you could learn to swim well, or have been swimming for year with little progress, your frustrations are not your fault. The you were taught to swim - even the way you've been lead to think as a swimmer - is what has held you back.
Though swimming is an essential life skill, traditional teaching and coaching methods have made it difficult to master because they teach an awkward, exhausting style of swimming. Total Immersion's foolproof approach to teaching can help any student master a fluent, beautiful and economical style and brings results far faster than conventional methods: